If you seems to have genital warts, check it with us at once. There are many effective ways of treating warts and our doctor will discuss which one is the best treatment for you. We provide very hygienic and safe procedure done by medical professionals male or female doctors. Procedure take 30mins to 1 hour depends in the number of warts. We adhere to your personal confidentiality. We suggest that you call us to have your appointment so that you will be treated in time and without any disturbance from other. ➡To get booking here: https://bit.ly/2UmnAaU Contact us! =================== ✔️ Website: http://www.medicoglobal.net/ ✔️ Email: admin@medicoglobal.net ✔️ Tel: +63 2-838-0918 We are open from 9AM to 5PM. #medicoglobal #wartsremoval #medicoglobalwartsremoval For other details, you may call or message us. ▫️Medico Global Clinic Timog Ave QC Branch 2nd Floor, Unit 202 New Grange Condotel , Timog Avenue, Laging Handa, Quezon City, Philippines Globe 09560143575 Smart 09189241900 Land line +6328380918 ▫️Medico Global Clinic TAGUIG Branch 58 Bayani Road, Western Bicutan, Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines Landline +632 8380918 Smart +63928 8937264 Email: admin@medicoglobal.net www.medicoglobal.net